Brian Hertzog

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The World Is Run By "Doers"

Doers don't look back. They let the rest of us judge. Fear, not failure is the nemesis of the doer. I often struggle with self-doubt. Am I qualified for my job? Will I disappoint my family? Fear is paralyzing. It can stop you dead in your tracks like a mouse noticing a hungry hawk flying overhead.

Here's the secret. There's no reason to be afraid. Thousands of years ago, Egyptian Pharos were perceived as Gods. They had everything--money, power, sex, the works. Naturally, they tried to immortalize themselves. But guess what, it didn't work. How many Pharos can you name? I can think of one, maybe two (only because I'm Jewish). There are two points here. One, time waits for no man. Two, we don't talk about these guys anymore because they didn't do anything.

It doesn't matter who you are. People remember actions, not possessions or status. There's only one guy from ancient Egypt we talk about regularly. His name is Moses. Don't read too much into my example, the idea is simple. Don't freaking wait! Time moves too quickly. If you want to bungee jump, go find an experienced team and a bridge. If you want to write some love songs on your guitar, write them dammit.

You won't get a Grammy for the song you were too afraid to write. You don't win medals for thinking about joining the army. The world is run by people who do shit. Don't hide your wounds. Let the Pharos judge.