“The battle of life is already half won by the young man who is brought in contact with high officials; and the great aim of every boy should be to do something beyond the sphere of his duties—something which attracts the attention of those over him.”
Live blogging today from Keiretsu Forum meeting in the East Bay. The past two days I have been volunteering at different events around Silicon Valley. Volunteering is a great way to meet people and get involved with some pretty amazing events. There aren't many people who turn down a willing volunteer, so sending an email to the event coordinator of a conference that you really want to attend may be your golden ticket.
I've had the privilege of meeting some incredible people from volunteering at various events. Even though you work for free as a volunteer, the experience is well worth the time. The quote above is from the autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and explains how a man can become superintendent of the Pittsburgh Railroad by the age of 24. Opportunities are all around, it's up to us to see the doors.