Brian Hertzog

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Verbing is Winning

"Let's Über to the show, Tweet a photo when we get there, and Photoshop it later to make it look better. When we get home, I'll Google the lead singer to figure out his name so I can Facebook him."

"You sure you don't mind missing the game?"

"No, it's alright, I TiVo'd it."

"Cool! After you watch it, let's Skype or FaceTime to talk about the best plays."

"Sounds good, hey, do you mind Xeroxing and FedExing me a copy of our concert tickets?"

"No problem, I'll do it after I finish Hoovering my room."

No special dictionary is needed to understand the conversation above. This is what happens when a company's name becomes so synonymous with a product or service that the two can be used interchangeably. Not only is this completely free marketing, but it's incredibly powerful. Think about how often you use a company's name as a verb, and how weird it would have sounded using the word before the company existed. People would have just stared at you blankly. But they don't.

So Shakespeare, what's in a name? Google it.