How To Become A Leader
Find a parade and jump in front.
Find a parade and jump in front.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? This Escher-esque problem isn't limited to biology--it frequently manifests itself in the most inconvenient ways. For example, let's say you design and publish an app. To get downloads you need people to review the app, but to get reviews, you need people to download! Here's another one: a musician wants to play a live show. The venue asks what other venues he's played. But the musician can't play a live gig without experience and the venue won't let him play without it!
So, what's my answer? Neither. Neither the chicken nor the egg (as we know it) came first. Most likely, some very simple form of egg and some form of chicken evolved into what we currently call chickens and eggs. Although these perpetual dilemmas frequently occur, they're solvable by breaking the problem down and rephrasing the question.
Identify a crappy "first-step solution" to a chicken/egg scenario. Refine that solution into a more eloquent, sustainable fix. You might not get 50 five-star app ratings at first, but you might be able to ask your cousin for one. As for the musicians, The Beatles played in strip clubs for two years before any respectable venue would book them. The Beatles!
You don't need the most elegant solution first, you need a solution. From there you can metaphorically grow your feathers.