What You Want
Not many people share what they want. We're told from an early age, "you can't stand out, you can't have that, you can't do that". Who are they to tell you otherwise? You can be different, you can have what you want, you can accomplish your goal--so long as you put in the work.
The people who say those things are the same people who give up. When things get hard, they quit--then they tell you, "you can't do that". It's ok to tell the world what you want. It's ok to be brave, honest, different. Nobody ever changed the world by following a set of instructions. If you want something, you might have to carve your own path. You may have to ask. You may have to believe that your work will pay dividends.
You can ask, try, persist when things get hard. You make these choices. Just because other people quit doesn't mean you can't do it, it just means you shouldn't follow their path. What do you really want? How many people know? Do you know? Ask yourself. I dare you. If you know, if you're brave, if you put in the work, you'll get there. You will have proven the others wrong. Relatively, you will have done the impossible!
Be brave. Magic will happen. You'll make it look easy, but you know the secret. If you share what you want, if you're honest with yourself, you will find your audience, and the world will be your stage.